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The 2019 November Newsletter can be found here.

In our newsletter you’ll find what’s happening in the Q World–around the corner and around the globe–thanks to our excellent editor, Nel Ward.

The big local news is that an enthusiastic group is planning a Newport Pride event for 2020 and wants your input about the date. Here’s a link to vote and to get involved in planning.

From our newsletter, here are other important dates with our local community on the Oregon Central Coast– –November 3, 11:00 am: Out Oregon Coast Breakfast at Newport Cafe, 534 N. Hwy 101, Newport. –November 12, 4:00-6:00 pm: LGBT & Allies Happy Hour, All Welcome!—Pacific Kitchen, 740 W. Olive St. Newport (north of the PAC.) –November 13, 6:00-7:30 pm: PFLAG Meeting—Transgender Community, Newport High GSA Sharing Their Annual Trans Day of Remembrance Observance—at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 414 S.W. 9th Hurbert St., Newport. –November 15, 9:00-11:00 am: OCC PFLAG Board meeting—My Safe Place, formerly My Sisters’ Place, Newport –November 15, 5:00-7:00 pm: Trans Support Group—Toledo Public Library, 173 N.W. 7th Street, Toledo. –November 24, 11:00 am: OUT OR Women at Nana’s for Lunch—613 N.W. 3rd St. at Coast Street, Newport. –November 27, 6:00-7:30 pm: Trans Support Group—at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 414 S.W. 9th St. at Hurbert St., Newport.

The 2019 October Newsletter can be found here.

Enjoy our news and photo-filled monthly newsletter–thanks to our editor, Nel Ward, who has put together another great issue.

Our monthly PFLAG meeting will be held on October 9th. We invite members of the Q Community, their families, friends and allies to join us for an informal “Coming Out Party.” We will share parts of our coming out stories and support everyone’s progress and success.

See page 7 for other Central Coast events for the Q Community.

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