The 2019 November Newsletter can be found here.
In our newsletter you’ll find what’s happening in the Q World–around the corner and around the globe–thanks to our excellent editor, Nel Ward.
The big local news is that an enthusiastic group is planning a Newport Pride event for 2020 and wants your input about the date. Here’s a link to vote and to get involved in planning.
From our newsletter, here are other important dates with our local community on the Oregon Central Coast– –November 3, 11:00 am: Out Oregon Coast Breakfast at Newport Cafe, 534 N. Hwy 101, Newport. –November 12, 4:00-6:00 pm: LGBT & Allies Happy Hour, All Welcome!—Pacific Kitchen, 740 W. Olive St. Newport (north of the PAC.) –November 13, 6:00-7:30 pm: PFLAG Meeting—Transgender Community, Newport High GSA Sharing Their Annual Trans Day of Remembrance Observance—at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 414 S.W. 9th Hurbert St., Newport. –November 15, 9:00-11:00 am: OCC PFLAG Board meeting—My Safe Place, formerly My Sisters’ Place, Newport –November 15, 5:00-7:00 pm: Trans Support Group—Toledo Public Library, 173 N.W. 7th Street, Toledo. –November 24, 11:00 am: OUT OR Women at Nana’s for Lunch—613 N.W. 3rd St. at Coast Street, Newport. –November 27, 6:00-7:30 pm: Trans Support Group—at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 414 S.W. 9th St. at Hurbert St., Newport.