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The 2013 May Newsletter can be found here.

Three items of note–

1. Wednesday, May 8. PFLAG Meeting at 7 PM at St. Stephen’s Church with program on bullying. We will have a short film followed by discussion. Do you have tales of bullying to share?

2. Saturday, May 11, Farmer’s Market Table. We’re getting ready for the Saturday Market season–PFLAG and the Welcoming Congregations will have a table on the second Saturday of each month–May through Oct. First date is May 11. Can you help staff a table for a few hours for one of those Saturdays? Send an e-mail ASAP to and we’ll get everyone scheduled.

3. Sunday, May 19, Just the Girls Coffee Hour 11 AM. For for OUT Oregon Coast coffee this month, a change. The OUT Oregon Coast LGBT Women’s Coffee Hour is switching day & location this month–It will be a Sunday gathering instead of the usual Tuesdays–it will be:

Just the Girls Coffee Hour Sunday May 19th 11am-Noonish Green Salmon, 220 Hwy 101 in Yachats. For more information on that, contact


Additional calendar items—

OCC PFLAG Calendar

Monday, May 6, 3:30 – 6:30 pm: BBQ Fundraiser for Pink Prom (for LGBTQ-&-friends high school students) and UO TeachOut Conference—South Eugene High School Parking Lot

May 8, 7:00 pm: PFLAG Meeting, ( Short film on bullying followed by discussion)—St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport

May 11: PFLAG and Welcoming Congregations Table at Newport Saturday Market

May 19, 11:00 am-Noonish: Just the Girls Coffee Hour—Green Salmon, Yachats

June 4, 9:00 am: OUT Lesbian Coffee—Coffee House, Newport Bayfront

June 12, 7:00 pm: PFLAG Meeting—St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport

June 18, 9:00 am: OUT on the Oregon Coast for Lesbians–Green Salmon, Yachats


The Coastal AIDS Network* monthly activities: –Second Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Activity Night” (call for information (541)994-5597) –Third Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Pizza Night” (Newport Abbey’s Pizza) –Fourth Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Men’s Pot Luck” (Locations vary! Call (541)994-5597 or email for information) –We also try to have pizza in Tillamook or Pacific City. Email Dan, or leave a message for him at (541)994-5597.

*CAN activities are open to everyone, regardless of HIV status or sexual orientation except for “Men’s Pot Luck.” Occasionally we bend that rule for special events.


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